NAVIGATION: art drama media music


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Media Hub Media studies has become an increasingly popular subject in the Sixth Form
at Gillingham School. Students of a wide range of academic ability have achieved success
and many have gone on to study aspects of the subject in further education.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Barcelona Tour - July 2011

In July 2011 the school orchestra travelled by coach to Barcelona to give a series of concerts.

Over a period of eight days the orchestra played six concerts to sellout audiences. In the shadow of the Goude's famous cathedral the orchestra played in the warm summer evening to large, enthusiastic crowd and this proved to be the highlight of the tour.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

New Creative Arts blog launched

The Creative Arts department have launched a new blog encompassing; art, drama, media and music for staff and students.

The departments are visually identified by the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) print colours.